The ‘Decent Work in Jordan’s Floriculture’ Project (hereafter, the project) funded by the Australian government, addresses decent work deficits in this subsector. The project aims to achieve its set objectives through applying a compliance model at the farm level, as well as piloting interventions to help producers enhance decent working conditions in their operations and enhancing productivity at the same time. Critical to the achievement of the expected outcome is an environment that introduces adequate incentives and sanctions for producers to comply with environmentally and socially just labor standards. This is done by providing technical assistance in the support of linking flower farmers/producers with international/regional market opportunities and aid in administering export and production assistance, this will strengthen partnerships with market experts to facilitate growers’ access to domestic, regional and international markets The consultancy also entails the development and dissemination of marketing materials for the floriculture sector to enhance its visibility with national, regional and international buyers.
مكتب رام الله ( المقر الرئيسي)
عمارة مول فلسطين،بجانب بلازا مول، الطابق 5
صدنوق بريد 883
البالوع- رام الله، فلسطين
هاتف: +970 (2) 242-8383
فاكس: +970 (2) 242-2519
info@paltrade.org (للاستفسارات العامة)
tradeinfo@paltrade.org (لطلب المعلومات التجارية)
مكتب غزة
شارع الوحدة.، عمارة غازي الشوا، الطابق الخامس
صندوق بريد 5180
غزة، فلسطين
هاتف: +970 (8) 283-3539
فاكس: +970 (8) 283-3549
info@paltrade.org (للاستفسارات العامة)
tradeinfo@paltrade.org (لطلب المعلومات التجارية)