Palestine Trade Center

RFP: #PTC-049-2021 - A

Consultancy Assignment to build the capabilities of private sector entities and smallscale women producers to design, implement and manage advocacy and lobbying campaigns and the implementation of an advocacy and lobbying campaign with a focus on fiscal policies


Through Oxfam’s strategic partnerships with PFU, AMAN, PalTrade, RWDS and key value-chain actors, the FAIR for ALL consortium in OPT will establish a dynamic network of allies and coalitions to influence local and national bodies to achieve systemic changes in policies, regulations, and laws that favor vulnerable men, women, and youth producers. The enabling environment will be strengthened through a free-market approach to optimize the space for and capacity of targeted groups to compete, especially with larger private-sector players. The programme that is funded by Dutch Government, will be implemented by Oxfam partners in OPT and SOMO, and will adapt a multi-dimensional approach to enable change at micro, meso, and macro levels (local, regional, and national). Transparency and accountability mechanisms will be strengthened to ensure civil society actors are able to claim more responsive and equitable systems regulations. Grassroots, women and youth organizations, small-scale producers, and other national bodies will be supported to establish coalitions to demand national and local governments adopt inclusive and responsive policies. This will enhance the overall business environment, especially for youth entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector. Partners and key stakeholders will provide oversight of publicand private-sector duty bearers and monitor their adherence to governance principles and commitments.

Ramallah Office (Headquarters)

Mall of Palestine - Building 2 Next to Plaza Mall, 5th floor

P.O. BOX 883

AL-Balou' - Ramallah

TEL: +970 (2) 242-8383

FAX: +970 (2) 242-2519 (general questions) (trade info. requests)