Acceptance of First Applications - Enhancing the Flexibility and Positioning of Productive Economic Facilities in the Clothing and Textile Sectors
The program "Supporting the Resilience of the Economy in Gaza" seeks to support and develop the private sector in Gaza by laying a sustainable foundation for industrial economic establishments by increasing the market share in the local market and enhancing readiness and competitiveness for expansion into foreign markets. The program aims to increase job opportunities, especially for youth and women, support the development of small and micro enterprises, and improve the business enabling environment.
The program extends over a period of four years (2023-2026) and is implemented through the United Nations Development Program / Program of Assistance to the Palestinian People (UNDP/PAPP), funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and in partnership with the Palestinian Federation of Industries (PFI) and Palestine Trade Center (PalTrade).
Please fill out the application below, which clarifies the conditions and data required for companies in the clothing and textile sector.
Application deadline: From Monday 14/8/2023 until 10:00 pm on Saturday 2/9/2023
To communicate while filling out applications in case of any inquiries
Contact the Palestinian Federation of Industries (PFI): 0592536921
Contact the Palestinian Trade Center - Paltrade: 0569550538
Ramallah Office (Headquarters)
Mall of Palestine - Building 2 Next to Plaza Mall, 5th floor
P.O. BOX 883
AL-Balou' - Ramallah
TEL: +970 (2) 242-8383
FAX: +970 (2) 242-2519 (general questions) (trade info. requests)
Gaza Office
Al-Wehdeh St., Ghazi Al-Shawa Building, 5th floor
P.O. BOX 5180
Gaza, Palestine
TEL: +970 (8) 283-3539
FAX: +970 (8) 283-3549 (general questions) (trade info. requests)